The problem is that many times a wonderful party can be dimmed by a large financial headache. You don't want to suffer in the future for a decision you made for a 1 time event. Remember this is about you, not the party, so just give your guest something to remember this BIG day by. Don't waste money on things like an expensive venue or elaborate decor. Go simple but fun. Trust me... you'll thank me in the long run.
During this specific budget planning, you must have restraint. Find helpers, let them know exactly what your budget is and tell them to keep you on track with purchasing and reservations that don't increase that set figure. Keep in mind, a lot of the things you desire, can possibly be done on a much smaller scale to fit your budget. That way, you don't really have to play elimination on the things you want at your party.
If this day is truly a SPECIAL DAY, then you can start your planning and saving in advance. Don't wait until the last minute to figure out your budget.... remember by starting early with saving up, you can possibly increase your initial projected budget. Also, you may want to find out who is willing to help both financially and physically. Sometimes, having someone to coordinate, set up or run errands is just as helpful as a monetary donation/ gift. For example, if this event is for a birthday, tell your gift givers in advance that you'd like gift cards or money to add to you party budget, which of course they are invited to.
Different things you can do to keep to your budget are; use eVite for your invitations and RSVPS. This way you can invite as many people you'd like without having to spend a dime as well as confirm your total number of actual attendees. After knowing how many guests you will be expecting, you'll need to choose a location. Now, for a birthday, decide what activities will be going on and how much room you will need to accommodate everyone. When it comes to music, you can use an IPOD docking station and have a pre made party playlist or a cd changer with pre ready CDS with all the songs you like, instead of paying a ridiculous amount for a DJ. Try not to hire anyone to decorate, if you and some helpers do it yourself, it makes the party more personal, more YOU. Decide what you want the event to look like, is there a theme? Then use GOOGLE, its your best friend when planning a party. And always, always remember to stay within your budget. And if you do this right, you may actually have a little money left over to get yourself a gift.
For more on party budgeting tips or to schedule a consultation with one of our Special Events Coordinators, please contact us at the number/ email below.
- K.Zaid
Using an iPod is cool if there's no budget but I've seen parties just die without the DJ Emceeing to keep the party going. The personality of the DJ is what counts and knowing what songs gets people out of their seats is part of the experience you pay for. A good DJ can be just as fun as the party if you're lucky. You can usually find a DJ in your price range or hire an event planner like Le Soiree to get you the best deals.