Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did you know????

Good morning,

Did you know writing is a form of releasing tension. Whether its a poem, letter, story, essay, or just your random thoughts. Its almost our own personal way of expressing our feelings. And you can decide whether to share it, with the one its meant for, friends or the world. I just wrote a poem, its a little sad but its what I was feeling at the time. I wrote it about 10 minutes ago and actually completed it in only 3 mins. I find whenever I have completed a poem that fast, its better than the ones, i have to actually thing about. Funny, but true. I'd like you to tell me your honest opinion; what you think about it. I have never shared something so personal with the world before, though its not like I have a lot of followers anyway. hope to hear from you soon.

Title: It Hurts

It Hurts

Like a knife

Slowly penetrating my heart

Repeated in motion

And it has yet to stop.

No matter what I do…

No matter what I say…

It hurts

Aching memories

Replaying in my head

Over & over & over again

Trying to concentrate

Think elsewhere,


Driving me to insanity

Praying it will just “end”.

It hurts

Knowing without a doubt

What’s not meant

That thing you love…

That thing you work so hard at

Day after day.

Knowing without knowing

The truth…

The role you played,

The ‘spot’ you kept warm at night.

No longer needed…

No longer wanted.

It hurts

Being the last to see

That, which lies beneath

The secret unveiled.

It hurts to know, it was never you.

- Keeyawna Zaid
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